You must be held accountable

Days after the catastrophe, there is still no help from the Greek government or the «civilized» Western governments, which are deafening to the noise of «we are beside the refugees», «we will not leave the refugees alone». The Greek government has «generously» announced that tents will be set up for victims who have lost their shelter, and relocated unaccompanied children and adolescents in the camp from Lesvos.

Other «civilized» European states still refuse to accept asylum seekers, while at the same time talking about the need to defend Europe against asylum seekers and refugees from war and destruction, to reconsider the policy of preventing asylum seekers from fleeing Turkey to Europe.Victims of the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, fugitives from the war in Syria and the destruction of Libya and Yemen, fugitives from the artificial hell of world and regional powers, devastated cities and slaughterhouses that were once called schools, hospitals, universities and factories in the hope of achieving security They leave behind and are imprisoned in such camps like Moria.

The Moria catastrophe, from throwing thirteen thousand people in a camp with a capacity of three thousand people, with the least health and living facilities, turning it into an inescapable prison under the pretext of the COVID-19 outbreak, to the fire and its great human tragedy, and it is a small sign of absolute cruelty Western governments.Countering this organized and governmental atrocity, with the inhumane policies of the governments involved against the fugitives from their hand-made hell, is the first duty of civilized humanity in defending the life and human dignity of these citizens of the planet.

Human society should not tolerate this degree of cruelty and cruelty. He should not silently close his eyes to this unbridled savagery. The perpetrators of this organized atrocity, from the right-wing Greek government to its European partners, must be held accountable.